God’s Plan Is The Best Plan

Have you ever noticed that when you hold no expectations for how something should turn out, you leave room for God to surprise you? The outcome is always exponentially better when you surrender control. It’s like God wants to show us the benefits of faith and trust. I love that about God. He gives us the option to live our little human lives controlled by what we think is best or to co-create a Divine life lead by what He knows is best. Take your pick! This idea perfectly describes our RV trip.


If you read last week’s blog post, you know that I was working through my limiting beliefs of running out of time and perfectionism in order to release all control and be more present. I’ve been working with the affirmation “I am allowing and letting go. Everything is happening as it should. There is no rush.” for months and I recited it often during our trip as a reminder to slow down. Overall, I’d say I did a really good job with surrendering. I wasn’t holding us to a strict schedule like I normally would. I was flexible with the activities we did. I even slept in a couple of times.


It was through my allowing and letting go that God surprised me with an even better experience that I could’ve ever imagined. Our family RV trip was truly one of the best vacations I have ever had (and I’ve traveled many many places with many many people). Camp Hatteras RV Resort & Campground with my family is in my top 5 list of vacation experiences.



My plan for our trip was:

Day 1: Get on the road by 8am (why was I setting myself up to fail from the jump? Out the door by 8am? With a toddler? And a puppy? On a long distance road trip? Come on girl), arrive by 1, and spend the remainder of the first day at the beach. We’d shower, enjoy one of the many meals I prepared, play outside then go to bed.

Day 2: I’d wake up and do my morning meditation, yoga, affirmations, and walk Ziggy while Kairo and David slept. I’d come back and we’d drink the smoothies I made in advance. Head to the beach and stay there all day. Come back, eat dinner, walk Ziggy again, play then bed.

Day 3: Identical to day 2 except we would travel to our next RV hookup site in VA Beach before spending the rest of the day soaking up the sun.

Day4: Head home before the sun comes up, unpack the RV, and return the RV all before 2pm.


I don’t know why I do this, but I tend to create impossible standards for myself and others. I put pressure on myself to meet these standards and often I successfully do. But when I or anyone else falls short, I can be pretty harsh with my words. Another thing I’m working on..


Anyway, if we had followed my rigid plan, I’m sure we still would’ve had fun, but we wouldn’t have experienced all the spur of the moment excitements that God had in store for us.


For instance, on day 1 we didn’t get out the door until closer to 10am. But, in leaving later, I took stress off myself, we all got more sleep making for a more pleasant drive, I got to walk Ziggy  before we left so he was too tired to be a nuisance in the RV, and we eased ourself in to our first RV trip. Since we left late, that consequently meant we arrived later. And while getting there at 6pm was definitely not my plan, we made so many memories on the drive down. In fact, spending the majority of day 1 in the RV together was 10x better than going to the beach. We laughed, slept, ate, admired the beauty of nature around us, sang songs together, and exposed Kairo to new sites. It really was perfect.


Other ways that God surprised us after we surrendered and went with the flow: we found a donut shop right on the water 3 mins from our camp site, we star gazed and read books at night on the beach, we met lots of new people, tasted some really good seafood, had a 1 bed sleepover where we stayed up late laughing and playing, we were able to extend our stay at Camp Hatteras, I strengthened my friendship with Kairos father, and so much more.



God really does show up unexpectedly with miracles and surprises, but only after we make room for him to do so. Our RV trip will be one I never forget and I look forward to doing it year after year. If you’re considering an RV trip, I 10/10 highly recommend and would love to talk to you about our experience and where you can rent an RV, find different campsites, and prepare for your trip.


I encourage you to take a leap and try something new, even if it scares you. Trust your intuition and God’s hand at work.


Until next time,

Stay ViKtorious, mama!


8 Months Unemployed


Family Vacation: RV Style!