8 Months Unemployed

After a 3 month maternity leave followed by a month of working full time, 11 months working part time, and a global pandemic, I decided to quit my corporate job in December 2020. The industry I was working in did not align with my values, I was being overworked and undervalued, I wasn’t getting the quality time with my son I wanted, and people were literally dying left and right. Ultimately, I realized that life is too short to do stuff that doesn’t make my soul sing. Quitting required me to take a huge leap of faith. I was scared. I was uncertain. I was anxious. I had no plan. But even with all of that, I knew that I had to do it anyway.


I’ve said this before, but Kairo gave me a second chance at life. He gave me a clearer purpose and vision. He gave me courage, strength, and wisdom. He gave me a voice. I know he didn’t actually give me any of the things, but he helped me to find them inside of myself. I had them all along. Everyone looking in on my decision thought I was going crazy. I had just gotten a promotion at work, I was a single mother, I had no other stream of income. What the hell was I doing?!  I even had those thoughts occasionally. But I did it anyway. I trusted myself. I trusted my God. I trusted that something good would come of it. I had faith.


Sometimes as humans we struggle to believe in things we can’t see. We live in fear of losing everything we have and know. We fear the unknown. We get comfortable and stuck. I’ve learned that the only way to get what you want is to do something you’ve never done. After living the busy life, working a stressful job, and trying to fit into a box that wasn’t built for me, I decided I was done! I’m done being someone I’m not. I’m done trying to attain a life I don’t even want. I’m done doing things because other’s want me to. Quitting my job was a radical declaration to the universe that I’m ready to be me! I was leaving behind EVERYTHING that did not fit who I was becoming. Me quitting was the catalyst of me returning to myself.


I recognize Spring as the beginning of a new year, but the timing of my resignation and the fiscal new year allowed for me to set intentions, write out goals, and gain clarity on how I wanted to move forward. I took my 8 months out of work as a time to go within, dream of the life I wanted, take steps towards creating it, and realign myself with my values. I started meditating daily again, journaling, reciting affirmations daily, practicing yoga, eating healthy, dancing, playing, exercising, and spending quality time with my family. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and I knew if I wanted to shift my reality, I had to shift some of my beliefs and behaviors.


As I started prioritizing and getting in alignment with my authentic self, things started to fall into place. I started noticing small synchronicities, I was aware of myself being lead, and I just felt better. I felt more peace, joy, and love in my life and it all appeared after I took a chance on myself and trusted God.


I don’t regret my decision to quit at all. Being present for Kairo is my number 1 mission and purpose. I am creating my life around being there for him. I started a new job on Monday and it’s not because I had to go back to work. It’s not because I desperately needed money. It’s not because I got bored of being home.  I’m attracting things that are in alignment with what I want. My new job allows me to continue being home with Kairo and do all the things we’ve grown accustomed to doing (i.e. morning walks, playtime, meals together, etc.), but it also allows me to work and make money. The life I am creating for myself is one of ease, joy, balance, presence, and love. This job is a step in the right direction and I’m so grateful for it.


I really want you to understand that I had NO PLAN when I quit 8 months ago. I didn’t plan to become a yoga teacher, though it’s been a goal of mine for almost 5 years. I didn’t plan for the ViKtorious Mama to evolve into what it is. I didn’t plan when I would return to work. When I quit, all I knew was I wanted to be used and guided by God, I wanted to live a life I loved, I wanted to have a more active presence in Kairo’s life, and I wanted to get back to me.  Through surrender, faith, and trust, my time out of work allowed me to accomplish all of that and it gave me a clearer purpose for pursing it.

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I know I want to use my story to inspire other mamas. I also know that I want to share the tools that have helped me along the way. The ViKtorious Mama started as a blog but through me surrendering and allowing God to lead me, it’s become so much more. This is literally a reflection of my life. I started one way, but through surrendering and allowing God to lead me, I’ve become something much better. Time after time I learn that I can do really hard things. Things that seem impossible. Things that seem crazy. Things that don’t make sense. I can do it all…and so can you.


Take a leap of faith. Show God that you’re ready to trust Him. Get clear on what you want and have no attachment to the outcome. Raise your vibration. And watch it all fall into place.


I’m proud of the person I’m becoming. I’m proud of who you’re becoming.


Stay ViKtorious, Mama!


Living Out Loud!


God’s Plan Is The Best Plan