2021: Our Year to Reclaim

Stepping into our new identity as mothers and learning to own our power.

Mama, it’s been a while since we last spoke. I hope you’re hanging in there! 2020 was a rollercoaster but by the grace of God, we made it through. We might not have accomplished all of our goals or did everything we said we would, but we made it. That alone is worth celebrating!


It’s been 5 months since my last blog post and so much has happened in that small amount of time. Let’s recap the last few months of 2020 and speak over the year we collectively will have in 2021. Sound good?


First, let me tell you about Kairo. My son is now 16 months old. He walks, talks, climbs, and dances. He’s eating any and EVERY thing. His favorite food is whatever I’m eating though he’ll never pass up a nice piece of bread. He has 8 teeth with 2 more on the way. He’s talking and signing (yes we taught him sign language and milk is his favorite word to sign…go figure). He has a play room with a chalk wall that he loves drawing on. I got him a Rhodesian ridgeback puppy named Ziggy. Kai’s eczema has gotten so much better. He loves telling us what to do and where to go. We’re still co sleeping after a failed attempt at sleep training, but started transitioning this week. We’re introducing the potty in hopes that he’ll be potty trained before the age of 2. And we’re beginning to phase out bottles (Finally!).  He brings joy to everyone he meets, and he is the most loving baby I’ve ever known. It’s really hard for me to believe he’s almost a year and half old. Time really flies. Here’s a reminder to cherish each moment, mama!


Now let’s talk about what’s been going on with me personally:

1.     My long-term relationship with Kairo’s father ended. We’re working on creating a family through coparenting, though we’ve never seen a perfect model of it. Our approach is just loving Kairo and rebuilding a friendship one day at a time.

2.     I quit my corporate job. After 2.5 years of working in HR, I decided to step out on faith and allow God to guide me to a career more aligned with my purpose and values. I was being overworked and under-appreciated at a company that I wasn’t passionate about. I didn’t have any time for myself and it was cutting into my time with Kairo. Bottom line: It just wasn’t worth it!

3.     I lost 30 pounds. At 16 months postpartum, I’ve now officially passed my pre-pregnancy weight. I work out almost every day and do intermittent fasting (only eating between the hours of 8am-7pm). I feel more like myself each day!

4.     I’m still pumping breastmilk for Kairo. He gets 4 bottles a day supplemented with homemade hemp milk. I’m down to 3 pumps per day. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll go, but I’m grateful my body has made it this far!  

5.     I’ve continued therapy which has helped my relationship with myself. I’ve learned how to talk to myself more positively through the incorporation of daily affirmations. I’m healing past wounds and becoming a better person. I’m doing this for myself, but more importantly, I’m doing the inner work for Kairo. I don’t want to pass down any negative generational behaviors or beliefs. I’m raising a king and I need to act accordingly!


As we start out this new year, I’ve made it a point to be more intentional in everything I do. Each year, I make a vision board that includes a theme word, or a word that will be used to describe my year. My word for 2021 is “rebirth”. After so much change in 2020, I’m stepping into the near year as a new person. I’m leaving behind behaviors, relationships, jobs and negativity and moving forward with a blank slate.


While our normal routine and daily lives may have been interrupted by the pandemic, I think its important that we still find joy and peace each day and work towards creating the life we want. As new mothers, it’s very common to feel lost, uncertain and alone. We don’t recognize ourselves. We don’t prioritize ourselves. And we don’t always love ourselves. Collectively, I assert that this will be our year of reclaiming. We’re reclaiming our bodies, our minds, and our lives. This year, my mission with Viktorious Mama is to help you reclaim what’s yours! I have some really good ideas in mind, but just know that we’re getting back to ourselves while learning to love the lives we find ourselves living and we’re using community to help us do this.


There really is no better time than after giving birth to purge your life of things no longer serving you and to get clear on how you want to show up in the world moving forward. Our babies give us a second chance at life. We get to reinvent ourselves. A new version of us emerges the moment our baby comes, but it’s up to you to choose to be viktorious. Let’s do it together! We’ll talk soon.


Sending all of my love to you, mama!


Doing Things Your Own Way


Pump It Up, Pump It Up!