You Are A ViKtorious Mama!

Before having Kairo, I always knew I wanted to help others, but I was unsure of how to do it. Initially, I thought I would serve others through creating enjoyable work spaces as I have a background in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. But after multiple jobs in my field, I realized that I wasn’t fulfilled like I thought I would be. When I got pregnant, it was like God gave me clear direction. I was now being called to step into the role of mother. I was also being called to get outside of my comfort zone and create a safe space for people like me. I saw a need for community amongst mothers, and I knew this because I longed for one myself. I was called to create a space that I wish I had as I started my motherhood journey. A space where I would be affirmed, encouraged, motivated, uplifted, pushed, and most importantly understood. That’s often how callings work. When something is placed on your heart, it’s because there are others longing for the same thing and they need you to create it. I knew there was a need. Through alignment and surrender, I trust that God will bring all of us longing for this specific work together to form a community.


For those of you who don’t know, my son’s name means victorious, so the K in ViKtorious Mama is in honor of him. It’s because of him that I even have a story to tell. It’s because of him that I’m the person I am today. It’s because of him that I even have the courage and confidence to call myself a ViKtorious Mama. It’s not about ego here. From day one, you learn that motherhood is not for the weak. I started claiming I was a ViKtorious Mama because I needed to embody what that meant in order to keep going. The word victorious is defined as “having won a victory; triumphant.” In motherhood there are so many moments to feel triumphant! Some of the bigger moments include: making it through pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, overcoming postpartum depression/anxiety, getting through teething, first day of day care, etc. But there are also so many small victories that we win each day, like getting your baby to go to sleep, finding time to take a shower, getting your child to eat a vegetable, or getting your baby to smile. Now while we can do things to make us ViKtorious, I also want you to understand that claiming to be ViKtorious is a state of being! Being in the role of mother and opening yourself up to all it’s lessons and love is enough!


My story includes a 41 week pregnancy, 36 hours of labor, a home-birth turned hospital delivery, a break up, single mothering, living with my parents, negative mindsets, emotional depletion, mental health struggles, weight gain, weight loss, mom guilt, lessons, love, and lots of tears. In the short time that I’ve been a mother, I’ve already experienced so much! But through it all, I’ve learned to own my power, find my peace, cultivate joy, and transmute negative experiences into my strength! That’s what being a ViKtorious Mama is all about! When I hear the word ViKtorious I think of courage, perseverance, dedication, and wisdom which are all traits that our babies bring out of us. But I also think of the words joy, happy, loving, and powerful. These are all qualities that we have to learn to bring out of ourselves.  We aren’t ViKtorious because we do everything perfectly or because we win every fight; we’re ViKtorious because we manage to make the best out of our circumstances, show up for ourselves and our babies daily, and blossom into the beautiful women we were destined to be. Being a mama is not easy (trust me, I know) but I believe even in the ambiguity and struggles of motherhood, we each have the opportunity to be ViKtorious.


The ViKtorious Mama brand/platform/business is designed to help mamas own their power and reclaim their peace. I share tools that have helped me in hopes that they will help someone else. Affirmations, exercise, meditation, and journaling have all played major roles in my continuous evolvement. I am transparent about my experiences through his journey so far because I want others to relate and feel seen. I want to encourage each of you to live as your highest and best self. Start claiming that you are a ViKtorious Mama today and watch how your experience shifts. Everything you’ve been given, you can handle. You are strong. You are a ViKtorious Mama!

I’m proud of you! I honor you! I love you!


Until next time,

Stay ViKtorious!


The Evolution of a Mama’s Morning Routine


Celebrate Yourself!