Celebrate Yourself!

Mother’s Day was Sunday and I decided to celebrate myself all weekend! To those who don’t know, I do not drink alcohol anymore and I rarely smoke, so my celebrations are often sober ones. But, just because they’re sober doesn’t mean they’re lacking in any way! Let me tell you about it!


On Saturday, we took Kai to swim class and then he went to his dad’s house for the weekend. Yup, mama was FREE! Normally, the weekends that I get off are spent doing all the tasks I pile up during the week due to lack of time, but this past weekend, I decided to ignore all responsibilities and just relax! On Saturday, I took Ziggy for a long slow walk. It’s rare that I get to do it alone, so I really enjoyed that! I caught up on all my shows, which was a special treat because I never watch tv. Then, I showered and washed my hair. I know I’m not the only one who struggles to find time to shower? And if I do, it’s one of those lightning speed 2 minute showers. So getting to wash my hair and spend time in the shower was amazing. After that I decided I would go get a pedicure, but first I treated myself to Starbucks. I honestly don’t even like Starbucks but I feel like it’s the extravagant thing to do on a self-care day, so why not?


I had an appointment at the nail salon, but I still had to wait when I arrived. Normally that would make me upset and I would say something to the staff, but this day I decided to just be patient and accept the day as it came. I was in no rush and I had nowhere to go. Recently, I’ve started inviting more color into my life, so I picked a bright greenish-yellow color for my toes. I requested the pedicure with all the bells and whistles (a beverage of your choice, collogen treatment, callus remover, hot towels, and massage) and enjoyed every minute of it. I had a book with me that I almost finished while in the chair. That pedicure was the first time in a long time I’ve been pampered in that way. I ended my evening by getting some Thai food and watching one of Maryam Hasnaa’s New Earth Mystery School Classes. A perfect Saturday!


On Sunday, I woke up and did my normal morning routine (meditation, journal, affirmations, & yoga) then took Ziggy for another walk! I knew my sister and dad were planning to get brunch from KitchenCray so I had time to watch my church service online. After eating brunch, I took a nap. Yes, a nap!!! I spent some time with family then headed to David’s house for dinner. Kai and his dad cooked a beautiful meal, they picked out my favorite flowers, and they made a beautiful card for me. After dinner we had a family dance party then headed home.


Cambridge Dictionary defines the word celebrate as “to take part in special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important.” I say that I celebrated myself this past weekend, because I did all the things that I enjoy. I ate good food, I laughed, I moved my body, I read, I spent time with family, and I relaxed. And it was all to commemorate the great job I’ve been doing as a mama!


As mamas, we need to celebrate ourselves! It’s nice to be celebrated, but I’ve learned that no one knows how to celebrate me as well as I do. And we definitely shouldn’t wait until Mother’s Day to do it. Celebrate yourself weekly, or daily if you need to! Hell, in the moment celebrations are nice too! Figure out something that you can do for yourself to feel celebrated and do it often. This doesn’t even have to involve spending money. I consider a bath with candles and tea a celebration of me and I do it often. Another way I like to celebrate myself is having a dance party in the moment. It’s a celebration of YOU, so do something that YOU find enjoyable. It hurts me to see mamas slaving away 364 days, just to be celebrated 1 day of the year. Mother’s Day is nice, but we’re mamas all year long. Please celebrate yourself more often!


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Until next time,

Stay ViKtorious, Mama!


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