Oops! Did I Just Pee?

Hi Mamas! This week we’re talking about stress incontinence, which is a fancy word for losing control of your bladder and bowels. This isn’t a popular topic in the new mom community, so I felt it was important for me to talk about it here. New mothers generally experience this after birth, but often don’t notice it until they laugh, cough or sneeze and realize they peed on themselves. If this has ever happened to you, please know that you are not alone. While it isn’t a normal occurrence, it is rather common.

 Before I share my experience with stress incontinence, I feel it’s important for me to note that I am not a doctor or licensed health professional, I’m simply expressing my experience and the steps I took to heal.

 So here’s my story:

I was 16 months postpartum when I discovered something was wrong with my pelvic floor. Looking back on my entire postpartum experience, there were definitely other clues that I had a problem, but I overlooked them assuming it was just part of the healing process. In the earlier months, I can recall laughing really hard and losing control of my bladder or sneezing and pee coming out. But when I finally started doing high intensity workouts, I noticed that I didn’t have control over my bladder…at all. I would jump, and upon the impact of landing, I’d notice pee leaking out. It was to the point that I couldn’t wear gray leggings because by the end of the workout the crotch would be soaking wet.

After being embarrassed and alarmed, I decided to do some research and figure out what was going on down there. I knew it had something to do with my pelvic floor, but I didn’t know the technicalities of my situation. Many google searches later, I discovered that I did in fact have stress incontinence (aka weak muscles).

 Once I understood what was going on I knew immediately how I would fix it: kegels & yoni eggs! What is a kegel and yoni egg you ask?

  • Kegels are pelvic floor exercises done by contracting and relaxing the vaginal muscles repeatedly.

  • Yoni Eggs are crystals carved into egg shapes and inserted into your vagina to strengthen the vaginal muscles, spiritual connection, and to tone the pelvic floor.  

I know yoni eggs might sound weird to you, but this practice has been passed down for generations due to its’ healing abilities. Research has shown that using yoni eggs can support pelvic floor health, urinary health, digestive health, sexual health and overall well-being in the body. Some of the many benefits of using Yoni Eggs regularly are:

  • Gain control of the perineum and pelvic floor muscles after child birth… even years later

  • Improve bladder control and bladder health

  • Reduce PMS, menstrual cramps, breast discomfort; as through regular practice it can increase blood flow to pelvic organs and help move stagnant energy.

  • Support Orgasmic Health: including vaginal, cervical and uterine orgasms

  • Regular practice stimulates the bartholin gland inside the vagina that is responsible for producing lubrication. One of the first effects women experience is feeling juicier, which can ease vaginal dryness during intercourse

  • Stimulate reflexology points of all the major organs in the body

  • Can help to release stored emotional and energetic imprints, as the vaginal tissue holds onto these psychological blockages

  • Overcome traumatic experiences, as it can promote and encourage a sense of trust back in the body

  • Cultivate and enhance a deeper and more loving relationship with one’s body

  • Awaken creative energy, passion, libido and sexuality (taken directly from https://www.thelayacenter.com/beginners-guide-to-yoni-eggs)

Yoni Egg.jpg


Now imagine doing kegels while using a yoni egg, can you say super strength?! Once I started using my yoni egg for a week, I noticed a significant difference in my bladder control. And after just a month and a half of daily practice, I no longer experience leaking. Our vaginas are very adaptable and have the ability to snap back quickly. However, just like any muscle, it does need practice to function properly.


I understand the idea of sticking a crystal up your vagina for healing might sound crazy, but it worked for me. If you’re interested in natural healing modalities, I strongly recommend you consider a yoni egg. Also, for all the mamas who are newly postpartum or still pregnant, start doing your kegels now….and never stop.


Dealing with things like stress incontinence is something no one prepares you for before birth, and there are so many other things (both physical and mental) that we have to overcome in order to be viKtoroious each day. Strengthening your vaginal muscles is just one of them. Whether you choose to see a doctor or try to heal yourself, know that you are capable. And despite the discomfort and embarrassment, this too shall pass and become a worry of the past.


Until next time, stay ViKtorious Mama!


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