Mommy & Me Swim Class

Kairo started swim lessons about 2 months ago and he’s already a Michael Phelps prodigy! I decided it was time to put him in swim classes because he was showing a lot of interest in being in the water. He would get excited for bath time, he loved putting his face in the water while taking a bath, and he just enjoyed watching water flow (from a faucet, a river, or his mouth). So after observing his interest increase, I signed us up for Mommy & Me swim classes.


Now, the pool and the bath tub are obviously very different. At home, there aren’t 10 other babies and parents in the tub with him, there’s no undesired splashing, and we have control of the water temperature. There was a short adjustment period, but overall, it really amazed me how comfortable he became with being in the pool. He went from crying the entire first class to being the last baby out of the pool at the end of class. I am so proud of the progress he made and the confidence he’s gained.

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In watching Kairo the past few weeks, I’ve learned some valuable lessons about life:


First, I’ve learned it’s ok to be uncomfortable. We’ve all heard the saying “success is on the other side of your comfort zone” and while I’ve noticed this in my own life, I was able to witness this as truth first hand by watching Kairo in swim class. I consider Kairo’s comfort in water, our strengthened bond, and his enhanced socialization skills success as a result of our Mommy & Me swim class. All of these things came from being uncomfortable. Kairo was uncomfortable in the pool initially but by trusting the process (and his mama) he was able to succeed. That’s what life is all about. Stepping into new situations on faith even when it’s uncomfortable and trusting that you’ll succeed.


The second thing I learned is that there is no need to compare your progress to any one else’s. The Mommy & Me class that we enrolled in had babies ranging from 3 months old to 24 months old. There were returners and rookies. If you looked around the class, it was obvious who had done this before and who had not. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing your progress to the progress of everyone around you, but you have to remember that each of us travels a different path, and while our paths might cross (maybe at swim class?) our journeys are different. You can’t compare yourself to someone who’s journey looks different than yours. Focus on yourself and master where you are.


The third thing I learned is that good things take time. I mentioned earlier that Kairo is now a Michael Phelps prodigy and I admit that was an inflated description. He can float with some assistance, he can blow bubbles, and he can put his face under water, but he cannot swim yet. Swimming is a life skill that I believe everyone needs, so while 6 weeks wasn’t enough time for Kairo to fully learn how to do it, we’ll continue practicing until he’s acquired the skill. Good things take time! Have patience and grace with yourself. Sometimes you just need a little more time to get to what you want. It’s all good, mama!   


In closing, I highly recommend putting your baby/toddler in Mommy & Me swim classes if they are interested. You will strengthen your bond with them by building trust, they will gain confidence in themselves, and they will learn how to socialize with other babies. They might not learn how to swim immediately, but what the two of you do learn from the experience is invaluable.


Stay ViKtorious, Mama!


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