Mama Earth

On Monday, it was 80 degrees in the DMV so Kairo and I spent a lot of time outside. Connecting to nature is really important to me. It helps me be present, raise my vibration, breathe better, and just feel good. I’m trying to help Kairo fall in love with the outdoors from a young age, though I think innately we all are drawn to the wonders of nature. So it isn’t so much of me teaching him as it is me just allowing him to explore freely.  One of my favorite things to do is just sit and let the sun hit my skin, so that’s exactly what Kai and I did. In those moments of stillness, I couldn’t help but be overfilled with gratitude. I have skin that can feel the warmth of the sun. I have arms that can hold my baby. I have a backyard where I can sit out and enjoy nature. I have feet that can feel the ground. There are just so many things to be grateful for. Mama Earth continues to do her thing!


I am so grateful for Mama Earth! She supplies our food, she allows us to cultivate/harvest the land, she supports the foundations of our homes, she gives us beauty to admire, and so much more! As a mama, there is much to be learned from how Mama Earth carries herself. Here are a few lessons on motherhood I believe she is teaching:

1.     Embrace the blessings in the different seasons. Motherhood is an everchanging journey where each day promises something new. While there is always some unknown in each day, our lives do tend to flow in seasons. Of all the seasons motherhood might bring (some to include: breastfeeding, toddlers, kindergarten, adolescence, and teenagers) we can look to Mama Earth’s example of how to handle them. She never wishes a season were something else. She has an understanding that despite all the challenges that might come with each season, there also comes many blessings. Be present with each season, accepting them for what they are, and finding comfort in knowing this too shall pass.

2.     Put yourself first. We’ve all heard the saying that “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and that must’ve been written by Mama Earth herself. For years, humans have done nothing but selfishly take from the Earth, and she’s fed up! She’s heating up and ready to purge all of those who cannot respect or cherish her. Mama, can you relate to this? I know I can. Always putting others first until you have nothing left to give. My breaking point tends to look like popping off on those I care about but yours might look like having an anxiety attack, or getting sick. If only we had learned to put ourselves first.  Take care of you. Heal yourself. Treat yourself. Do whatever you need to do to be you’re best. When you’re at your best, you can better care for those around you and no one gets hurts (feelings included).  

3.     Learn how to restore & rebuild. Sometimes as mamas we face obstacles that tear us down (breakups/divorce, job loss, deaths). After the dust settles, we must learn to pick ourselves up and move on. Mama Earth gives us the perfect example of this. She never stays down for too long. No wildfire, flood, hurricane, or any other natural disaster can keep her down. She always regenerates and restores the land allowing for new beginnings. We have that same power.

4.     Don’t always expect a thank you. Mama Earth never gets the thanks she deserves, but do you ever see her stop supplying our needs? This is a relatable experience for all mothers. We do the cleaning, cooking, nurturing, childcare, laundry, working, and so much more. We’re always showing up and giving 1000% and many times we feel unappreciated. There aren’t enough thank yous in the world for all that we do. But as Mama Earth demonstrates, it’s not about receiving recognition or a thank you. We continue to do what we do out of love. That’s it.  


April 22nd is Earth day, and while I believe it’s important to take care of Mama Earth each day, today we are reminded of the responsibility we all share. She has given so much to us, it’s time we appreciate and give back to her. I challenge you to take small steps in showing Mama Earth how serious you are about her. Treat her how you want to be treated as a mama. We can mother more sustainably by utilizing reusable bags when shopping, shopping at the farmers market, using less waste (glass water bottles instead of plastic, towels instead of paper towels), consider switching to cloth diapers, and including less meat in our diets. Small steps each day add up. And while Mama Earth deserves so much more from us, a thank you and continued effort to live more sustainably is a good start.  



Stay ViKtorious, mama!


Baby Sign Language


Transitions: Bottle & Pump Weaning