A Prayer For Patience

There are a couple of things I pray for daily. I pray over my family. I thank God for my life. I ask to be used and guided. I pray for strength, courage, and wisdom. But most recently, I’ve found myself praying for more patience. And not just a little bit of patience, I need God’s level of patience.

Mamas, I’m keeping it real this week, and I’d love to know I’m not alone in this. I love my son and I love being his mother more than anything in the world. But when I’ve heard “mama” for the 1000th time in a row after a very long day, I sometimes struggle to find the patience I need to act calmly. I must search REAL DEEP, take a few breaths, force a smile on my face and then respond. Is it just me that struggles in these moments? If that one doesn’t resonate, how about when your toddler stops eating what used to be his favorite dish and now only wants crackers for every meal? Tell me I’m not alone in my agitation, aggravation, irritation, and annoyance!

Now that I’ve gotten that out, let’s talk about how God really uses the journey of motherhood as a spiritual practice and a journey back to self. I know I’ve said this before, but I feel like I wake up to a new realization of this each day. I’m not kidding! This journey is more about our children helping us to evolve into better versions of ourselves than anything else. Name a better teacher than our child? Who better to push us to our breaking point just to see us overcome and transcend? God is a genius. Our children are the closet things to us. They keep us in our most vulnerable states. In a place where we’re most malleable. And God chose to use these moments with these perfect beings as a way to force our evolution.  Thank you God!

I think the fact that I even recognize that I needed patience and had the wisdom and courage to ask for it is a beautiful step. I had the awareness to recognize where I was lacking and where I needed to grow and asked to be fortified. What is something your motherhood journey is revealing you need more of? Is it courage? Confidence? Strength? Perseverance? Motivation? Joy? Maybe its multiple things at once.

Motherhood and life is about going within. I believe prayer is about humbling yourself and learning to put into words what it is you want. But the real practice and purpose is to doscover all of these things already within yourself. The patience I need is already there, my prayer is just that God helps me unlock more of it.

I’m grateful for this journey and all the things I learn about myself daily. I’m grateful that God is always leading me to the highest version of myself. And I’m so thankful for my child’s help in the process.  

Every day isn’t easy, but it’s certainly worth it. Try not to rush through this time. We’ll soon miss these days.

Until next time,

Stay ViKtorious!


Honor Yourself


Living Out Loud!